Thursday, March 26, 2020

Tips to Choose a Chinese Tutor

Tips to Choose a Chinese TutorIf you are looking for a Chinese tutor to assist you in learning the Chinese language, then you might have realized that there are many reputable teachers that are available. It is essential that you select the right one who will help you. By looking for the reputable, the right one can really help you out. Let us take a look at the three most important things that you need to consider before selecting a Chinese tutor.The first and the most important thing that you should look for are a good love and devotion to helping others. Being able to pass on your knowledge to others will certainly help you a lot in the long run. In Chinese, it means that being able to communicate effectively with others.Secondly, you will need to know the teacher is really knowledgeable. You need to make sure that the teacher has already taught other people who will be sharing his knowledge with you.Thirdly, you need to be guided by common sense of what kind of experience the tut or has and the most suitable teacher for you is the one who is going to give you a personal experience which can greatly benefit you. Do not judge from looks, but instead judge based on experiences and qualifications.You should remember that every individual's views and opinions will differ from another person's views and opinions. You should always choose the teacher according to what will benefit you the most. There is no rule that says that you cannot use an English tutor to learn Chinese.It is true that it is easy to find many Chinese tutors online because there are many who are now online. You can look for them using different means, but the best way is probably to check out reviews and see what kind of experiences the reviewers have had. One thing that you should remember is that not all Chinese Tutors are alike. Some are really good, while some are not so good.Therefore, if you are looking for a Chinese tutor, you should also check out reviews of other students before you dec ide on one. You do not want to spend too much money only to find out that the tutor you have hired is not a good one. Find out more about it before you are ready to hire someone.

Friday, March 6, 2020

6 Daily Work Habits to Make You Feel More Confident - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 6 Daily Work Habits to Make You Feel More Confident - Introvert Whisperer 6 Daily Work Habits to Make You Feel More Confident Are you one of those people who stay in their cubicle at work all day? Would you rather be surrounded by plants than people? Do those introductory meet-and-greets where you have to say a few things about yourself to a large group make you blush and cringe with embarrassment? It’s one thing to like being alone, but maybe you wish you could change how you feel and how you interact with others at work. If you want to get to know others better but are afraid or unsure how, here are six ideas to help you improve your workplace interaction skills. 1. Get Adequate Sleep   Starting your day tired and crabby is not going to help you make positive social changes at work. When you don’t get enough sleep you lack focus, suffer mood swings and aren’t going to want to interact with others. This doesn’t make you feel like approaching anyone. 2. Exercise Regularly   Exercise is good for your physical health, but it also helps your mental health. Exercise is a good way to get rid of stress and will give you more energy. Also, when you exercise, your brain releases endorphins, a group of hormones that make you feel good physically and happy mentally. Accomplishing your exercise goals gives you more confidence. A happy, confident, energetic coworker is going to have more success interacting with others. 3.  Develop a Ritual   Mentally prepare yourself for your work day by listening to inspirational music, motivational speeches or prayer. Some people like heavy rock music to calm themselves, classical music or chanting monks. Try new things and pick whatever calms your mind and boosts your confidence. Listen to this on your drive into work if that will make it more peaceful. Look up what your favorite athlete listens to before a game. See if that works for you. 4. Project Confidence   Your mom probably had a lot of sayings in place to boost your confidence, but the one that comes to mind is about the person who wins is the one who thinks he or she can win. You don’t have to actually be confident to look confident. Simply looking the part can increase your confidence. It doesn’t take a lot of work to boost your self-esteem. Improve your self-confidence in only five minutes a day. Those five minutes will have lasting effects on your overall self-esteem and your ability to effectively communicate and interact with others. Here are other ways to look the part: Stand up and Sit up Straight   This is good for your posture and makes you appear more confident. Be aware of slouching and hunching. If you do it, fix it. Maintain Personal Hygiene   Don’t go to work unshaven or wearing a baseball hat because you didn’t wash your hair. Take time to make yourself appear your best, whatever that is to you. Wake up earlier if you like makeup or a specific hairstyle. Use a perfume or cologne that makes you feel good about yourself. Just don’t use too much. Dress for Success   Wear clean, ironed work-appropriate clothing. Dress up a bit more than your co-workers if it makes you feel more confident, and it doesn’t make you self-conscious. Dressing well will make you work better and will make you more confident. Your appearance will project competence as well as confidence. 5. Practice Social Skills   Smile when greeting others. Shake hands firmly. Maintain eye contact in conversation. Learn work social clues to avoid making common mistakes. You want to know what types of behavior will make you unwanted or unwelcome. In conversation, avoid taboo subjects such as politics, health worries, and religion. Identify a coworker or two and make it a point to briefly interact with those people. Plan in advance what you will say, such as offering a compliment or sharing a common interest. You don’t have to talk to everyone, but always smile and say hello to everyone you encounter. A smile will suffice for repeated interaction. Small talk is uncomfortable for many people, but it can often lead to a stronger bond with a coworker or even a lasting friendship. 6. Keep a Journal Write down goals for yourself. Devise a way to put them into practice. Challenge your comfort zones and soon they will widen. Write down what worked and what didn’t. Relish in your successes and don’t dwell on failures. Writing things down will help you focus on areas of improvement and will make you look forward to the next opportunity to interact with others. Change isn’t going to happen overnight, but it can start now. Be yourself, but be a better self by challenging your comfort zones and reaching for new goals. Enjoy how good it feels to succeed and how much happier work can be when you are comfortable interacting with your co-workers. Get out of your cubicle and show someone your smile. Kayla Matthews is a self-improvement writer contributing to publications like The Daily Muse, MakeUseOf, Lifehack and The Huffington Post. To read more professional development posts from Kayla, check out her blog, Productivity Theory. Go to top SELF-PROMOTION Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.  But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will?  If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

11 Annoying Things People Say to Female Guitarists

11 Annoying Things People Say to Female Guitarists Megan L. Female guitarists rock just as hard, if not harder than some men, yet the things people say to us sound like theyre straight from the 1950s! Ladies, women, and girls, here are 11 of the most annoying things Ive heard in my years of playing guitar. Maybe a few will sound familiar to you too? 1. Is that for your boyfriend? Why do some people find it so unbelievable that youre carrying your own gear or shopping at Guitar Center for yourself? 2. Youre pretty good for a girl. Would you tell another musician hes pretty good for a man? Nope. Please stop saying this. 3. Are you the singer? Because thats the only thing you think women are capable of? Please go back to rock and roll history and study Lita Ford, Joan Jett, Kaki King, Nancy Wilson, or any of the other hundreds of women who have made their mark in music with an ax in hand. 4. Oh, youre IN the band! If youve ever had trouble being allowed in to a venue for your own show, you know just how annoying this one can be. This is doubly annoying when someone assumes youre a groupie. 5. You should show off your body more and be sexier. Because when I asked for feedback on my performance, I really wanted to hear about how I looked. Even young girls arent immune from this misguided advice. Please stop making female performers feel like their sex appeal matters more than their music. Its just sad. 6. You only got that gig because youre hot. Like a meaner, more petty version of the last comment, this implies that any attention or success you enjoy as a musician is all thanks to your looks. Luckily, people will mostly say this one behind your back, so you only need to roll your eyes when you hear this through the grapevine. Then you can get back to crushing it. 7. Do you want to be in a band? Were looking for a chick bass player. Why would you want to work with someone whos already objectifying you before theyve heard you play a single note? 8. Let me explain your gear to you. I just haul it around, set it up, play it, own it, and love it. So sure, please tell me all about my amp. 9. Wow, are you going to play that? Nope, I just carry a guitar around for fun. 10. Chick guitarists are hot! Do you want to jam sometime? Unfortunately, nine times out of ten, they dont really mean jam. 11. I dont usually like chick music, but you were actually pretty good. For the love of music everywhere, please stop acting as if music made by women is in its own single genre. There are women who shred and women who croon, women who get down and funky and women who play smooth, sweet jazz. The sooner people can stop treating female musicians as novelties and start hearing us for the talents we possess, the sooner we all can enjoy a more equal and exciting music scene. Now its your turn. Ladies, what really grinds your gears? Share the most annoying thing someone has said to you about playing the guitar in the comments below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Vergonha de falar em Inglês Não faça parte desse clube!

Vergonha de falar em Inglês Não faça parte desse clube! Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.netFalar em Inglês, mesmo para quem tem anos de estudo da língua, pode ser um desafio. Existem vícios de linguagem e erros recorrentes que não são ultrapassados de uma hora para outra, sem falar que estudar um idioma sem dar a devida atenção à prática leva a que a fluência em uma conversa seja fortemente prejudicada.Digo isto porque estudo e trabalho com Inglês há anos, mas nem sempre me senti à vontade falando o idioma. Muitas vezes cometi erros crassos provenientes da falta de prática, que levaram a que o meu discurso fosse mais complexo do que precisava ser ou que a mensagem que queria passar fosse alterada pelo uso incorreto de um verbo, por exemplo. Para mim, o cenário só se alterou e a vergonha só desapareceu quando comecei a ter um contato mais elaborado com o Inglês, quando comecei a falar regularmente com nativos ou outros estrangeiros, cuja a primeira língua também não era o Inglês, é que p assei a ter maior consciência da verdadeira importância de conversar, mesmo que sobre assuntos triviais, no idioma que estamos aprendendo.Claro que diversos cursos tradicionais apresentam o seu currículo como tendo componente de conversação. No entanto, dentro de um ambiente controlado, com vários alunos e sem tempo suficiente para deixar cada pessoa desenvolver as suas habilidades conversacionais de forma livre, como é possível ter um bom nível oral de Inglês? De fato é complicado, já que apenas a prática capacita o estudante e faz com que ele tenha autoconfiança suficiente para falar naturalmente em outro idioma. Não tendo tempo para desenvolver confiança e perder a vergonha, muitas pessoas se tornam excelentes em gramática, mas não tão boas na oralidade.Daí que muitos dos alunos da LOI English sejam pessoas com um bom nível de Inglês, mas que, por diversos motivos, perderam contato com o Inglês ou não tiveram oportunidade de desenvolver o seu conhecimento da língua de forma plena, com a atenção adequada para a produção e compreensão oral, bem como para a produção e compreensão do idioma escrito. Porém, a LOI também tem muitos alunos que estão em um nível inicial, o que demonstra invariavelmente a versatilidade deste tipo de aprendizado, que pode ajudar a que os estudantes construam bases sólidas de conhecimento desde o início do estudo da língua.Se você, tal como eu, acredita que a prática é a única forma de realmente aprender, se sentir confortável e perder a vergonha de falar em Inglês, experimente uma aula demonstrativa grátis e descubra como o seu conhecimento pode ser amplamente aprimorado com sessões individuais através do Skype, sem sequer ter que sair de casa para conversar com falantes nativos.

Orange County AP Tutor 5 Ways to Conquer AP Exams

Orange County AP Tutor 5 Ways to Conquer AP Exams 5 Ways to Conquer AP Exams Advanced placement exams are just around the corner, and many high school students are feeling anxious about how well they will score on test day. One of the most important things students can do is prepare for the exam well in advance. Of course, students will have taken the AP class all year long, and their teacher will have gone over a lot of the elements of the exam with them already, but students should definitely take the time to work on test preparation on their own so they can conquer their AP exams and, hopefully, get a score of 3 or higher and get college credit as well as have a great transcript to send to the admissions committees. 1.   Working within a time crunch Its not that much longer until AP exams, so students are encouraged to use the remaining time to focus on their studies really. Some students will have been practicing since the beginning of the school year, but many students will just be starting their test prep now. Working within this limited timeframe means students should accelerate their timeline of study and also prioritize what is most important. Maybe they need to memorize math formulas or work on reading comprehension. Perhaps they need to improve their writing skills or learn how to organize their thoughts in an outline.   Whatever students need to do, theres no time like the present when it comes to test prep this spring. 2.   Focus on clarity in writing More often than not students can sit down and write a clear and concise passage when they have all the time in the world, but when the clock is ticking, they often start to ramble or go off on a tangent that makes their writing unclear to the reader. Students should do a series of drills that encourage them to write quickly yet clearly within a short amount of time, so they get used to the situation and also have time to make any improvements in their writing if needed. 3.   Review important facts and figures Depending on what AP course the student is enrolled in they will likely have to review a lot of important facts and figures. Advanced placement courses that involve history or math often require students to memorize a lot of things before they can do well on the exam. Also, this is a lot of information for a student to carry in their head throughout the year. Whether a student uses flashcards, takes notes, or has a tutor quiz them on a regular basis, its just important they know their stuff on test day (READ: 5 Ways to Start Prepping for AP Exams). 4.   Get plenty of sleep Most students get into the bad habit of staying up late to cram for their AP exams. Unfortunately, this type of study is not helpful for two reasons: students dont remember much of what they do when theyre tired, and they may fatigue themselves to the point that they cant remember things that would normally be easy. Students should get a full eight hours of sleep, or even more, lead up to the days of the AP exams. Things often seem clear and are easier to deal with after a good night’s sleep, and students who get enough sleep tend to be less stressed out and worried about the college application process overall. 5.   Stay organized During advanced placement prep students also need to stay highly organized. Its so easy to forget a tutoring or study group session, forget an important deadline, or fail to remember a particular topic that a student needed to review. Excellent organization is one of the best ways high school students can conquer their AP exams because it forces them to look at the big picture and think about how much time they realistically have to meet their goals. If a student needs help getting or staying organized they’re encouraged to work with a tutor or parent to achieve success up until the big day. Its not too late to book your private Orange County AP tutor. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

5 Things to Consider if you are Applying to Graduate School

5 Things to Consider if you are Applying to Graduate School Applying to Graduate School? 5 Things to Consider Applying to Graduate School? 5 Things to Consider Although many students have put off applying to graduate school in this past decade due to a dwindling economy and decreased ability to achieve low interest student loans, many students are now thinking about how a graduate degree could significantly increase their career potential. Whether a student is considering applying to graduate school directly after finishing an undergraduate program or a few years after they’ve been in the field, there are a few things to think about during the application process. 1 Will you be applying for an assistant position (TA or RA)? Working as a TA (teacher’s assistant) or an RA (research assistant) can provide a great deal of financial support for students paying their way through a graduate program. However, these particular jobs are often hard to obtain and are a significant time commitment. They will probably take up as much time as a part-time job but will provide a grad student with valuable experience in the field and countless networking abilities. If an applicant feels they will only have a successful academic experience if they work as a TA, they should brainstorm for other options due to the highly competitive nature of this position (READ: Tips From a San Diego College Tutor: 5 Ways to Transition Back to College). 2 Will you be attending school full-time or part-time? Some students will be able to quit their jobs and attend graduate school full-time while others will need to work at least 20 hours per week to make ends meet. Other still will continue in their full-time position in their field and attend graduate school in the evening or through a remote education program. It’s important for potential students to speak with an admissions counselor to see if they will be able to successfully attend the program part-time or if that is even an option. On the other hand, students who wish to study full-time should make a financial plan in order to pay for their full-time studies. 3 Will the school you’re applying to provide financial assistance in the form of work exchange or scholarships? Some graduate programs provide financial assistance in any number of ways. It’s important for applicants to think about whether or not they will be able to obtain a scholarship or part-time job on campus to help finance their studies. Additionally, students are smart to do some research and find out what their chances are of receiving a scholarship. For example, if 1 student out of 10 receives financial assistance, that’s not too bad. However, if 1 out of 100 students receive financial aid, it’s not looking good. 4 Will the school be paying you to get a degree or will you be paying the school? Some schools will actually pay graduate students a salary to study for their degree. This is generally found in the sciences but may exist anywhere depending on the university. In this case, graduate school becomes very attractive and may include subsidized housing, a living salary, and excellent work experience in exchange for help on various research projects. On the other hand, the majority of students will be shelling out tens of thousands of dollars per year to obtain their degree (READ: What to Consider if You Plan on Going to Grad School). 5 Are you seeking a degree for personal enrichment or to improve a career path? Some students attend graduate school primarily for personal enrichment. If this is the case they should think about the time commitment and finances required to obtain such a degree without potential career gain. Of course, each student is in a different situation and the opportunity to study for personal enrichment can be a fantastic one. Alternatively, if the student is attending graduate school primarily to advance their career, they are encouraged to determine if their specific degree program will be lucrative in their chosen field. In short Although there are many excellent reasons to pursue a graduate degree, students are encouraged to think through what their academic experience will be like and how it will mix with their current lifestyle and responsibilities. A student attending graduate school at 22 will likely have a different experience than someone applying at 32 or 42 . Because the pursuit of a graduate degree is a huge financial and time commitment, it’s important to think through exactly what a student would like to achieve from this type of program. Dont apply to grad school without the help of an Orange County College Admissions Tutor! Call us today for details. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write. Orange County Tutoring Services641 Wald Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92618 United StatesPhone: 949-510-9361Email:

Sexting for Sexs Sake

Sexting for Sex's Sake Courtesy of Lies Through a Lens and Dont: Send a picture of any skin the day after getting someones number. If you do, the person will likely think youre easy, or worse, a slut. Do: Send a picture if your partner has explicitly (visually or verbally) let you know its fair game. However, the picture should be classy enough that you dont reveal yourself completely, but risque enough to make a heart race in anticipation. Dont: Talk dirtier than you could reasonably do in person. You dont want to give the wrong impression and then let the other person down when they find out youre about as freaky as a priest. (Which, come to think of it, may be a poor point.) Do: Attempt to instill some excitement in your partner for your next meeting. If its past 9 p.m. and the conversation is getting cold, warm it up by saying how sore your neck is, and how you wish you could have a massage, perhaps without your shirt on, and see where that teaser takes you. Dont: Sext other people when youre already going steady with someone.  (Ahem, pathetic relative who Im happy to announce is not related to me by blood). I dont care if you dont plan to ever do anything but sext them. Would you want your partner sexting another person? No! you damn barbarian. Do: Sext if you havent seen your mate in a while. Spice things up a bit by building eagerness for the next time you see each other. If its been some time since youve swapped more than stories, chances are your partner is horny and will take pleasure in your sextuality. Dont: Save pictures of your partner. In the long run, nothing good comes of that. Do: Ensure your partner erases all incriminating images of your own flesh. In the long run, nothing good comes from that either. Dont: Sext while in the same room, you weirdos. Do: Sext so hotly that you cant resist being in different rooms anymore. Dont: Show other people your virtual sexcapades. Its very off-putting. If you think it shows how cool you are, youre horribly mistaken. Remember that (almost) everyone in the world has sex at some point, so if youre doing it, youre about as unique as a Honda Civic. Do: Use something from your sexting conversation to get the ball rolling when youre with your partner again. For example, ask about that time they revealed that thing they wanted to try, and use that as a launching point for some steamy dialogue. If youre in a car, dont be alarmed when you suddenly cant see through the windows. Now before you start getting sextual, feel free to comment with the freakiest sext you ever received. Dont be shy, ya freaks.

Private Tutors can Motivate Students

Private Tutors can Motivate Students Tutors play a major role in motivating students. Not only in studies but motivation is also needed to bring energy within students to excel in any activity they perform. A simple appreciation can make students to boost their positive vibrations to do more number of good works. Private tutors should know the tactics to motivate students while teaching. Many raise a question of “why should I posses this quality of motivating?” The reason would be very simple that personal tutors provide individual attention to each student. You are the one who will be guiding students in studies, sports and many other helpful activities. We all know that each student is unique. Therefore we shall see different types of students and tips for motivating them to do extremely well in their career. Type 1: Stressed Students First of all know the age of student who is suffering from stress. If he/she is studying in high school, then talk to them in friendly manner to understand the reason for their stress. Many students get hyper-tension because of home works, assignments, lots of writing work, math problems etc. Tips to Motivate Them: As private tutors find out their capability of doing things. Give them information and guidelines to finish the home work successfully. Gradually make them to increase the speed in doing assignments. Type 2: Annoyed Students Angry students will make many mistakes. They will be restless and scold their friends, neighbors. Sometimes, this will lead to fights among them. Tips to Motivate Them: Teach some meditation tips to those angry students. Make them follow the meditation regularly. Say some positive or encouraging stories. Make them to do physical exercises. All these tips will surely be a motivating factor for them. Type 3: Talkative Students These type of students are little funny to handle. Usually talkative children are called chatterbox. Very chatty child will keep on talk about nothing. Tips to Motivate Them: To be a tutor for talkative child is really a different experience. You should make those students to tell stories, poems, and subjects they learn. Make them read interesting stories so that they can narrate it to others. Thus the students will get out of stage fear and attain boldness. Type 4: Moderate Students Moderate students are average/good students who get border pass grades in subjects. Tips to Motivate Them: Analyze their difficult subjects and teach them. Give chances for students to ask doubts. This will help in interactive tutoring. Track the progress of students periodically to move further. Surely students will gain positive energy when they are pampered in studies. Type5: Disabled Students Disabled students are NOT mentally retarded students. They need little extra care to perform their daily duties. Tips to Motivate Them: Say real time stories to face the challenges. Make them identify their role models to come up in life. Make them enthusiastic to learn subjects. Teach them how to overcome the difficulties they face in life. Type 6: Panic Students Some students may fear for exams. They will not sleep properly because of exam fear. Tips to Motivate Them: These students should be trained to get confidence. Teach the difficult subjects and give more practical home works which will bring confidence in them. Thus it is the duty of private tutors to motivate students to make them stand first in competition.

Campbell Biology: Another Family Branch

Campbell Biology: Another Family BranchIf you've seen this science-fiction movie, then you've seen the 'Campbell Biology' chapter in its sequel, 'The Last Evolution.' Campbell is the second of William Campbell's three sons and he has to make the perfect family tree for his son, William Jr., which is being a surrogate father to his biological brother, Bill. Will there be more adventures in 'Campbell Biology,' now that Campbell has made up with his older sister?Campbell is known for his scientific research on things like xenobiology and the creation of living things from inanimate matter. As in the first Campbell books, Campbell was able to create life by mixing together bacteria and living DNA.Here, he mixes bacteria and similar organisms with plants to create new species of them. There are nine new bacteria created in Campbell Biology chapter 3. These creatures take root in Campbell's 'tourist trap' in 'Campbell Biology,' and 'Biology' chapter 4. The location for these creatures is a crevice near the Johnson lake, a lake where the 'perfect organism' can be created.The humans and their female friends work at these crevices with a net stretched across the crevice to catch the creatures. The crevice is never quite large enough for the creatures, and they have to be transported and put into tanks to grow. Eventually, the human females get rid of the tusks of the creatures before the plants come back to put them out of their misery.The 'Campbell Biology' chapter begins with the girls first encountering their new friends. There are two of them and they talk, play, fall in love, and fight. 'Campbell Biology' chapter 2 takes place with William Jr. has returned from his trip to Nanaimo.Campbellwas able to use bio liquid cells to create hybrid animals and plant life. In 'Campbell Biology,' there are no new hybrid animals created. Instead, the female human friends try to come up with ways to take the creatures back to Nanaimo. This ends up becoming a situation of cannibal ism, for those who survive the trip.In 'Campbell Biology,' there are two chapters. Chapter 2 takes place with William Jr. not being able to return to Nanaimo because of what happened in the last chapter. Meanwhile, the other chapters take place with William Jr. creates new hybrid animals and plants, and also making himself a computer scientist in order to come up with better ways to create hybrids. He gets out of the Nanaimo hospital and, with the help of his friend Lucy, he manages to escape Nanaimo.